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How to beat up Jose Fernandez

베이스볼젠 2014. 5. 2. 21:41

Jose Fernandez (75)

75 – Franchise Player, potential MVP and CY Candidate, guaranteed All-Star, #1-2 starter.

Is it extremely hard to rough Jose Fernandez up? 

Here is how to knocked around Jose Fernandez.

I present a novel method of making him cry and kneel.

Gameday in MLB.com help you know the location and types of Jose's pitches. (Gameday Link)

 Fastball: 80

 Curveball: 80


 Changeup: 55

 Slider: NA

 Delivery:  75

Jose is just a human being, and so he would make mistakes.

The ball is coming toward the center of the strike zone.

Watch it!


That easy. 

He may pitch the ball high.

Watch it!

That easy. 

The low fastball of Jose is too tough.  

Watch it!


Not full swing, just half swing. That easy. 

Jose's fastball is too fast. Too hard to hit it.

See the 99 mph fastball?

Watch it!


In that case, think of him as Jose in Dodgers. That easy!

Jose's curveball is untouchable.

Watch it!


High curveball is not untouchable. That easy.

Low curveball is totally untouchable. 

Watch it!


No need to touch. That easy!